Wednesday, February 16, 2011

With Fingers Crossed and Bated Breath

I received some very positive and encouraging news today when my x-ray and CBC (complete blood count) results revealed that I have neither a fracture nor a soft tissue infection in my lower leg. Doc ordered these additional tests last Monday after he noticed the very bad swelling in the region between my ankle and shin on my left leg. He wanted to rule out the presence of a fracture and any bone or tissue infection, and to make sure that I am receiving the right form treatment. Now that those possibilities have been discounted, we are back to the original diagnosis - tibial perostitis, more commonly know as shin splints (albeit a very severe case). And so, the treatment continues - daily therapy, target-specific stretching exercises, anti-inflammatory cream, rest. LOTS of rest. Did I miss anything, doc?

This is my first-ever running-related injury, and it has come at the most inopportune time. My biggest race to date - BDM 102 - is less than three weeks away. As a friend had very aptly analogized, the healing and recovery process has become a race in itself. It has become a race against time, a dash to see whether my nearly 36 year-old body can recover soon enough to allow me to participate in the madness that I have been preparing for during the last five months. Will I make it within the cut-off time? We'll see. I do know this, though: The possibility of having all that effort go down the drain had sapped the life out of me. It had me completely deflated. And so, today's bit of good news comes like a tonic that has lifted my spirits. I am now cautiously optimistic that I will be at the starting line in Mariveles, Bataan on March 5th.

My heart-felt thanks to everyone that wished me well and gave me encouragement during the past couple of days. Special mention goes to my good friends Din and Carrie. Hope I didn't ruin your V-Day date by flooding you with messages on BBM last Monday. : ) You guys are the best.   


  1. here's wishing u a fast recovery, man! all the best!


  2. @ Roelle - Thanks a lot! I really appreciate it. Hope you're enjoying the down time!

  3. Relax the mind. It is your best weapon come race day.

  4. @ Billy - Having completed the two test runs, I believe you 100%. When the legs and feet buckle down, heart and mind will carry the day. Thanks for dropping by!
